List of UPBTVP Administrative Members

Members of UPBTVP
The Board shall consist of the following members, namely :-
- The Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh who shall be the Chairman of the Board
- The Chief Secretary, Uttar Pradesh Government who shall be the Vice-Chairman of the Board, ex officio
- The Principal Secretary to the State Government in the Department of Housing and Urban Planing, ex officio
- The Principal Secretary to the State Government in the Department of Finance, ex officio
- The Principal Secretary to the State Government in the Department of Tourism and Culture, ex officio
- The Principal Secretary to the State Government in the Department of Urban Development, ex officio
- The Principal Secretary to the State Government in the Department of Transport, ex officio
- The Principal Secretary to the State Government in the Department of Forest, ex officio
- The Principal Secretary to the State Government in the Department of Environment, ex officio
- The District Magistrate, Mathura, ex officio
- The Chief Town and Country planner, Uttar Pradesh, ex officio
- The Chief Executive Officer of the Board who shall be the Member Secretary
- The Vice-Chairman, Mathura Vrindavan Development Authority. Mathura, ex officio
- Five eminent public figure having knowledge. experience, exposure and track record of efforts for the conservation of heritage of Braj Region, to be nominated by the Chairman in consultation with the Principal Secretary Culture aid Principal Secretary Tourism to the State Govemment
- Donors who make a donation of Rs. 10 crones or more shall be eligible to be considered as a nominated member after the approval of the Board.
The powers of the UPBTVP shall include the powers to-
- Call for reports and information from the Participating Departments with regard to preparation, enforcement and implementation of the Braj Development Plan and the Projects;
- Ensure that the preparation, enforcement and implementation of the Plan or the Project, as the case may be, is in conformity with the Braj Culture and Architecture;
- Indicate the stages for the implementation of the Plan :
- Review the, implementation of the Plan and the Projects;
- Select and approve comprehensive projects from the Participating Departments call for priority development and provide such, assistance for the implementation of those projects as the Board may deem fit;
- Levy fee or charges, for providing services and facilities or for maintenance and development thereof from the tourists;
- Suo-moto take up any work/project in, order to promote and secure the development, re-development and beautification of any area in the entire Braj region;
- Select an Implementing Agency for preparation and implementation of any Project plan;
- Entrust to the Council such other functions, as it may consider necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.
The functions of the UPBTVP shall be -
- To ensure the preparation of the Braj Development Plan;
- To arrange for the preparation of projects by any of the Participating Departments;
- To co-ordinate the enforcement and implemen-tation of the Plan and the Project through any one or more of the Participating Departments or ImplementingAgency;
- To ensure proper and systematic programming by the participating departments in regard to project formulation, determination of priorities in the Braj region and phasing of development of in frat-structural facilities for tourism and conservation of the Braj Heritage in accordance with stages indicated in the Plan;
- To make concerted efforts in the direction of professionally enhancing awareness and interest in intangible cultural heritage, safeguarding, promoting and propagating it systematically; ce to ensure conservation of rivers and undertake measures for pollution control and development of river fronts and water bodies;
- To formulate Architectural Regulations to bring about an uniformity of the buildings and structures in conformity with the heritage architecture of the region;
- To formulate policies to ensure co-ordination between various stakeholders- Government Departments, Local Bodies, Temple Management/ Trusts, Self Help Groups, Researchers and Scholars- for integrated development of tourism infrastructure and activities/ projects for strengthening, protecting preserving and promoting the rich cultural heritage of the Braj region;
- To arrange for, and oversee, the financing of selected development projects in the 13raj region through State funds and other sources of revenue like funds from Temple Trusts, donations, Non-government Organization, company/ firms and tourists, etc.